Learn How To Properly Soldering

Monday, 11 June 2012

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For people who work in the world of electronics solder words already familiar. Soldering is the absolute master of electronics. If you're new to the world of electronics you also need to learn how to properly menolder. So in this post I will look at the correct soldering.
Okey just cut to the core theme of this time.
Previously there are some steps we need to know before we soldering, including:

A. Equipment
Equipment needed at the time of soldering, including:
 - Tin solder / Tinol (metal having a melting point low enough to easily melt)
- Multitester / Multimeter (used to check the components before it is soldered)
- Tweezers / forceps (used to clamp the legs to be an electronic component in the solder, so the      components are easy to install and not too hot because some of the heat will be distributed on the clamp)
- Vacuum solder (used to clean both the existing tinol the PCB and components, is also used to facilitate the lift component of the PCB);
- The mount solder (solder that is used to heat store when not in use).

B. Preparation
There is a solder in the market that have the power range between 15 watt s / d 40 watts. The greater the tension, the solder will be getting hotter. In the selection of solder should be noted is the workpiece to be in the solder. For soldering electronic components is recommended to use a powerful 30 watt soldering iron, so as not to overheat causing the soldered components become damaged.Check the PCB and electronics components to be soldered. Make sure that these components could function as expected.

C. Soldering Process
PCB clean from dirt or oil with a cloth of wool and paint thinner or use other cleaning tools. 
Avoid cleaning tool that can cause corrosion on the PCB as well as the existing lines on the PCB Clean the electronic components that will be in the solder, especially the part that will be in the solder (the legs) with a cloth or sandpaper.
Heat the solder until the solder is melted tinolPairs of components to be soldered to the PCB and then do the soldering. Do not install the components at once but gradually one by one (pair of components, continue to do the soldering and then cut off its feet, new pair again after the other components). 
FIRST soldering the components of the most resistant to heat . For components such as IC, try not soldering directly to PCB due to heat from soldering can damage it, but use the socket / holder to attach it. Socket is used to keep the IC is not exposed to heat during soldering, it is also to facilitate its replacement if damaged IC IC including components that are most often damaged.
The assembly of components on the PCB, by the way menacapkan legs of the components in a hole that has been provided on the PCB. After the plug, bend legs to 45o + components are not separated in time and to facilitate menyoldernya.Good solder is a solder in the form of a mountain with a height of 0.75 mm 

D. Inspection
After all the components in the solder, the last process is examined lest any poor solder or component damaged by the heat of the solder. Also check to see that there are lines on the PCB should not have any damage or interconnected from a melt tinol that would lead to a short circuit

E. Coating
The final process after all of the above process is completed is given primarily on the bottom layer of the existing PCB with solder material which is an insulator, such as paint / varnish. This is done so that the circuit was protected from corrosion by oxidation.

    Now you already know the correct way solder ? That's my advice to learn soldering. May be useful.